Observation of Rocking on Social Media – Instagram (IG)

If you’re into dance, IG is a great place to discover new dance styles, trends, and choreographers. Whether you’re interested in classical ballet, contemporary dance, or something more experimental, you can find a wide variety of dance content on the platform, and observing this content can be a great way to learn, be inspired, and connect with other dance enthusiasts.

One of the great things about observing dance on IG is that it allows you to see a wide variety of dance styles and techniques. From traditional forms like ballet and salsa, to more modern urban dance styles, you can find examples of almost any type of dance on the platform. But the focus here is Rocking (Uprocking) from NYC!

Rocking (Uprocking)

Rocking, also known as uprocking, is a battle dance style that involves fast feetwork and energetic body movements. It is often performed as a battle dance, with two dancers facing off against each other and trying to outdo each other with their moves. Rocking is characterized by its aggressive, high-energy style and often involves such as burns, jerks, freestyle, spins, hand gestures, and freezes.


A lot of the shared videos about Rocking on IG have a few things in common.

Execution of Jerks

It can be observed that in a lot rocking videos on IG, individuals rock against each other, jerks are not fully executed regardless of different rock styles from different boroughs in NYC and different style of jerks. But usually in most cases a jerk is into a squatting position meaning you drop down!

To be excluded here are obviously old generation rockers, who may not able to go down all the way because of knee injuries over the years!


When rock dancers perform solo dancing to show off their personal style, it can be noticed that the variety of styles does not feel natural and basically does not fit to each and every individual. Freestyle can involve a wide range of techniques and styles, and there are many different ways to approach it. Doing simple feetworks with a groove can be very nice, but it is required to be on beat, all the time.

The most important thing is to find (a) style:s that works for you, and to have fun with it.

Final words…

Also to be mention, is that social media platforms like IG has influenced dance by making it more accessible. When in the past, people might have had to seek out dance classes or workshops in order to learn how to dance, but today, there are countless dance tutorials and instructional available online. This makes it easy for anyone, regardless of their location or dance experience, to learn how to dance from their comfort of their own home! If you are an experienced dancer, social media can be a great source. However, there are also downsides when learning dance via social media.

No matter, in general it’s important to find an instructor or resource that is suitable for your skill level and interests. As you progress, you may want to consider trying different styles or levels of instruction to find what works best for you.

If you are not trained or experienced in/with rocking foundation, it’s important to seek the assistance of rockers with experience in rocking foundation.

What is the best way to get into Rocking (Rock Dance)

Part 2

The first thing I’d like to address is a very personal question, which I urge you to ask yourself.

Why are you doin rocking ?

Whatever your intention is, whatever your desire is, whatever your intrinsic motivation is, by the end it’s (just) a dance and it will challange you both,
physically and mentally.

Brief summary

Rocking, and especially Rocking (uprocking) with origins from Brooklyn, is a battle type dance between two individuals. These two individuals speak a different language and they speak simultaneously. They decode and encode messages while rocking. At its best, the dance actually becomes a form of sparring, in to respond to each other in real time. The dance includes jerks, burners, drops, spins, freestyle and more.

Rockers skillset

Some people will grasp for e.g. jerk/burn concepts quicker than others. Some people will grasp for e.g. the freestyle part quicker than others. Your background plays a part on how much time it will take to get in. In addition to passion, as mentioned in Part 1, i believe you can archieve anything with the right state of mind.

The following non-exhaustive list (in no particular order) of skillz, that will help you in rocking are the following:

  • Dance experience
  • People skills
  • Dedication
  • Non-dance related Education
  • Logical and creative thinking
  • A desire to understand what works best for you!

Some of the bulletpoints mentioned above are not really „learnt“, they just have to be part of who you are as a person.

Rockers Delight Vol.4 – ROCTOBER Dortmund

(Update – 02/10/2021)

Rockers Delight Vol.4 - RoCKToBER Dortmund

Rockers Delight Vol. 4 – ROCTOBER Dortmund

Here comes the Rocking Jam you’ve been waiting for so long and now it’s time to mark October 16, 2021 in your calendar for Rockers Delight Vol.4.
This time the jam will take place in Dortmund, Germany, presented by Masterplan & Def Style Rockers (D.S.R).

With the focus on Rocking (Rock Dance) Rockers Delight stands out as a dance event from all the others. and also offers dance floor for B-Girls, B-Boys, Funkstylteers and House dancers. Besides funk and soul music will be rock, disco, break beats dripping out of the speakers to get you into the rhythm and rotation.


2pm (14 Uhr) – Rocking Workshop – Kenan (I.B Family)

4pm (16 Uhr) – Rockers Delight Vol. 4 Jam – DJs: Kid Step & Thelonius Mark

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/256917409766460/
IG https://www.instagram.com/p/CUhqb3EofG9/?utm_medium=copy_link

(Update – 31/10/2021)

Here comes with a little delay an update of Rockers Delight Vol.4. Despite difficult organizational conditions, due to pandemic restrictions the event was able to take place. A big thank you for everyone coming out to Rockers Delight, taking the Workshop and rocking afterwards the concrete. Of course a hugh thanks goes out to Sunz (MPC) and JKC for organizing. Simply, it would not be possible without you. Also, thanks for both DJs, Mark & Kid Step for spinning the wheels and putting everyone into the rhythm and rotation. There is that very known saying, „A picture is worth a thousand words„. This is what it looks like.

Rockers Delight Vol.4 - Rocking the RoCKToBER Dortmund Phoenixsee 2021/10/16

What is the best way to get into Rocking (Rock Dance)


In the past and recently repeated, I was asked, mostly by Breaker but not exclusively, how and where you can start to learn rocking. Honestly, i think that passion is everything. Passion is what drives you to continue to learn and constantly take challanges because they are more interesting than watching your favorite Playlist of Uprockers on Youtube! Of course, the dance culture consists of inspiration, but it is important to mention that after all the inspiration -> motivation -> progress, you’re the one who’s expressing the dance. Therefore, if you already tasted rocking and you think or better know, that there is a passion for it, i suggest you the following :

  • Stay passionate and always curious
    • you can teach skills, but you can’t teach, much less force passion
  • Get involved in the community and put yourself around other rockers
    • this will be challenging, because depending on where you living you might find rockers around you or not! Go on Rock Dance Forum & Rock Dance is Here (NYC) and ask if there are rockers around or close to you
  • Go to New York City (NYC) to meet the Originals
    • meet as many OGs as you can, listen and learn and ask questions
    • determine which style fits best for you and your body.
  • Go on Rocking Jams / Events
  • Get a basic understanding of the Rockdance History
    • to get started, there are many resources available such as Google, Facebook and Youtube.
  • Learn the Foundation
    • jerks, burns, freestyle, spins, etc.
  • Learn the Music
    • funk, soul, jazz, rock, classics
  • Practice the Moves
    • take time to learn the moves and dont limit yourself just on moves
    • control and speed is the key

Hope this little guideline helps you to get started with rocking.

Review 2019

Another year has passed in the rock dance scene in germany and through rocking classes and events, this battle dance of New York City has grown more and more. Read more on this in the following summary:

In 2019, for the fist time, i have performed a rocking class in the capital Berlin at KMA. Participants of different skill level and age groupes take in part to learn how to response to each other in real time while mimicking physical attacks. This is a complicated process than it seems. All participants mastered the challenge well, while they had to face another challenge, that of physical fitness. I would like to thank KMA and BBoy Crok!

Rocking Class@KMA/Berlin

The rocking class within the program „A-Z of Dance – A dance project of Transnational Ensemble Labsa“ was awesome. The participants been rocking to complete songs and guess what; they could go through more songs. Unlike in breaking, rock songs do not only have break parts but also freestyle parts where rockers are expected to dance and challenge the other rocker until one becomes exhausted. By the way, the idea of the project „A-Z of Dance – A dance of project of Transnational Ensemble labsa“ is to find a dance style to each letter of the alphabet and regarding to the letter R, they end up on rocking 🙂 Thanks goes out to Sunz from Masterplan Crew for connecting and showing love to the rock dance.

Some impressions of the rocking class that took place within the event „Smoke the Cypher“ in Tübingen will you find here: https://bloqspot4rockers.de/2019/10/03/rocking-workshop-in-tuebingen/ . To be mention is, that the most participants been from italy, romania and austria. Some had zero rocking skill, some had advanced rocking skill. They all took the challange to interact to each other while burning and getting burned. Well done! Thanks goes out Michelè for setting up the class!

Rockers Delight Vol 3 took place for the third time, and again we had international guests comin all the way from poland to rock with us.
Shout outs to Kostek and the gang from Rock’n’Raw!

Rockers Delight Vol 3

One of the highlights in 2019 was the Anniversary of the Def Style Rockers (D.S.R) Crew from Braunschweig. In august 2019, they celebrate their 25th Anniversary where people from all over the world have been joined three days of pure Hip Hop Culture. Writing, breakin, rocking , moving, grooving! Within three days, we had a special edition of Rockers Delight Vol 3, the most valuable Bgirl/Bboy, a rocking class by the legendary Dj Samurai „Sam“ of the Incredible Breakers from NYC and last but not least writers/rockers/bboys rocking the walls. Check out the pictures to get an impression!

Rocking Class by legendary DJ Samurai „Sam“ – Incredible Breakers @DefStyleRockers25th
Thats the Apache Line right there – Incredible Breakers in full effect @DefStyleRockers25th
SwiftRock(BattleSquad) & PoeOne(Style Elements/DefStyle) rocking the wall @DefStyleRockers25th

Check out more stuff @Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/defstylerockers/?hl=de or Youtube for clips.

I wish all readers merry christmas and a happy new year – 2020!

Rocking Workshop in Tübingen

As part of the „Smoke the Cypher“ event, there will be a rocking class in Tübingen on saturday, 19th of october. Tübingen is located on the Neckar about 30 kilometres south of Stuttgart. Beautiful place surrounded by nature. Can’t wait!

More information about the event, can be found on fb:

Some impressions of the amazing people within the rocking class @SmoketheCypher 2019